Dear Me,
Surprise surprise, it's me...or you, I guess, from a whopping three years into the future. Right now, I know things look bleak. You're in your last semester of high school, and as far as you know, everything is changing. People either aren't talking to you anymore, or you're afraid of what's going to happen after you graduate. You're worried that the college you chose might have been a good choice. You're worried that you won't be able to handle it. You're worried about all these bits and pieces you're going to leave behind.
I'm here to tell you, it's okay. You'll be fine.
That college you chose? Don't worry, it was a good pick, and it definitely wasn't a mistake. That little push of bravery you took to go somewhere away from home will pay off, I promise.
Don't worry about friends, either. You'll keep in touch with those ones you love over texting, Snapchat and pretty much every other social media platform, hoping for their happiness in their lives as much as in your own. Now, if the question is that I miss them, and that you will, the answer is yes. Of course. Friends like that leave an imprint on your heart that you cannot erase. That's what social media exists for, to keep in touch when you don't see each other every single day anymore. Some of them you'll just see on Snapchat, but seeing them happy? Priceless.
As for making some new friends? The only thing you have to do is be brave . . . and go to a comedy event the first week of school. Trust me. You'll make some of the best friends you have had in your entire life. Ones who encourage you to leave that box you locked yourself in in high school and belt out songs in the car, come over and play games, the whole deal. They'll hold you when you cry, and you'll hold them when they cry . . . perfect trade off, right?
Homework . . . yeah. Overwhelming. All the time. What else do you expect from college, though? By the way, when people make fun of your major and/or your minor, ignore them. They can go study something else.
Don't worry about what you're leaving behind too much. You'll see them all when you go home; your friends, your family, your pets. They'll be there, and despite how things look to you right now, they'll be okay.
A piece of advice to you, if someone hurts you, don't let it drag you down as much as you've let it in the past. Breathe. Write. Concentrate. Worship. Focus. Move on.
All in all, younger me, I can't really tell you to go back and change things, because those choices made me, and I promise, even though you're going to go through a mess, you are going to be GENUINELYHAPPYon the other side.
Stay tough, okay?