To my daughter trying to find peace,
My love, you must bloom where you are planted. St. Therese of Lisieux once said that if every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness. And my daughter, you are lovely just the way you are. You will never find rest or solace in my love until you learn to love me in the present moment. My grace has been made sufficient for you. I know your heart is searching for more. I can see your deep desire to serve me, and it pleases me greatly.
My love, your life begins now.
Every moment of every day is a time to serve me in the small things. Your efforts to serve me have not been in vain; your efforts for me have not been lost. As a father looks upon his daughter learning how to walk, so also I look upon you.
I am with you every step of the way, and even though you might seem lost, your steps of courage are known to me. Each of those steps of courage lead you closer to the future I have planned for you. Yes, your future is a gift in my hands, but I want you to enjoy the gift of the present moment.
By my unending love and grace, you are who you are, and my grace towards you has never been in vain (1 Corinthians 15:8-11). Every choice you have made in my name has always been in the shadow of my grace. Every step you take today is a response to my love. Someday you will find that your deepest desires are fulfilled; yet I also want to fill them in this very moment. You miss so much when you put up resistance to your blessings. I am pouring down grace upon grace upon you like a torrential rainstorm.
There is no merit in anxiety and worry. You are worth more than many sparrows, yet I always provide for them (Matthew 10:31). You will always be taken care of in my love. Even if you feel lost and confused, I promise you will find peace. You may not know what I am doing now, but someday you will understand (John 13:7).
I will never desert you on your journey through life. You are beautiful, my beloved, and there is no blemish in you (Song of Songs 4:7).
My love, remember this and press forward. Give of yourself until you have nothing left to give, but even then I will multiply your gift of self to the world. My dear love, I have loved you with an everlasting love and you are mine (Jeremiah 31:3). Rest in me as I take delight in you.
Your Heavenly Father
This letter was originally published on A Tangled Mass.