Dear Jerk,
Honestly, I do not even care enough anymore to call you a jerk. Without you, my life has became so much better. While you were still with me, I thought life without you would be so difficult. I figured the constant arguing and drama was just normal relationship stuff. I even excused being cheated on because I thought that was a forgivable act. Without you, I would have never learned so many valuable lessons. I would not have learned what I truly do deserve versus what I was getting. Without you, I would not have realized that I am awesome and I deserve someone who sees that, too. Our relationship was a constant battle. You gave me the knowledge for future relationships that I would have never learned without you. With that said, I just wanted to thank you for being the biggest a-hole I have ever met.
If you never treated me like dirt, I could have potentially stayed in our toxic relationship for a while longer. I would have never gained enough courage to let you, along with all your negativity, go. I would still be depressed and anxious, always worried about you and what bad decision you may make next. Your spitefulness has also helped me weed out the good and bad people in my life. Without you, I would have never realized how artificial people are able to be and that I needed better people in my life. If we never split, I may not be at my amazing college with all my new friends. If you never hurt me, I could be just like you right now. I was headed down the same path you are still on.
So thank you for hurting me to the point where I had no other option but to move on. Moving on has opened so many doors for me and has made my important relationships with family and friends even stronger. I would not be here without you. You have made me so much happier by hurting me, you forced me to learn how to cope with heartbreak very early on in life. My life is better without you in it. You only dragged me down because misery loves company. At the time, it seemed like the end of the world. Now, I realize it was a blessing in disguise. I have been given a new opportunity, a new life. I had the chance to press the restart button and I was not going to waste it by repeating the same cycle over and over again with you.
I have learned how awesome I really am because of you. I do not need your approval or anyone else’s to know my self-worth. I really like my new life and you just are not invited. My scars have been healed, I no longer feel pain because of you. You are just a distant memory of my past. That is how I would like to keep things with you, in the past.
I wish you all the best. It’s not you, it’s me.