I want to do more than just simply thank you for being you. I want you to know that no matter what I will appreciate you, and I will always appreciate us. Even though I know you probably won't read this because blah it's too modern day relationship-y, I am going to proceed with writing it anyways.
You may or may not be aware of this, but you are my person. You are the person that can put a smile on my face no matter what, that I can always count on, and that I know I can go to for anything, even if it is something I know you could care less about. Regardless about whether or not you care about what I need to rant about, you always will listen (or at least you will act like you are). Your support and care for me is something I will forever be grateful for.
I also need to thank you for putting up with my imperfections. There are days when we are both stressed beyond belief and have what seems like an endless amount of things to do, but somehow you still manage to put up with me. At times when I am unreasonable, you still manage to listen, try to understand, and respond with as few words as possible.
Thanks for arguing with me over the stupidest things and letting me irritate you in the tiniest ways. It shows me that you do care enough to argue and that this is all completely worth it.
We may not be that couple that portrays their entire relationship on social media, or even out in public, and for that, too, I am grateful. Thanks for not always holding my hand, for not posting cheesy and ridiculous things about us on social media, and thanks for being my best friend. (With that being said, sorry for this article). Our relationship has the most perfect understanding of love and friendship.
Being in love with your best friend is something that not many people can say they have. Sure, we definitely weren't always best friends, but over the years, I like to think we have gotten there. Loving you is so simple and there isn't much more I could ask for.
Thanks for giving me an infinite amount of reasons to trust you. Trust is something that does not come easy for me, but you are one of the few people in this world that I am able to entirely trust -- so I guess that itself says a lot.
What makes me the most satisfied about us is the fact that my family adores you more than they adore me. The bond you have with the people that are most important in my life does nothing but make me incredibly happy.
Thank you for not letting our relationship be completely normal and by that I mean, thanks for being weird and so strange with me. The sarcasm and stupid little jokes have really gone a long way.
Also, thanks for changing over the years with me. We have grown into two completely different humans than we were when we first started dating, and that is something I would never change. (Speaking of change, you've even grown to take longer than me to get ready, jk... kind of).
Finally, thanks for being a part of my life for the past six years, and who knows how many more, but really, thanks for letting me love you and loving me back.
Okay, well, see ya never.