I have had several encounters in my life where I heard God speak to me. Nothing big like you see in movies where there is a loud booming voice, but it was in quiet moments of my life where I felt His presence and knew that my thoughts weren’t mine anymore. One way I really connect to Jesus is through journaling. My journaling started out as spiritual exercise to help me better understand my thoughts and feelings. After time went on, I eventually started to journal in a way I never expected. I started to journal in third person. I would write what God was telling me to say, I can’t explain these moments, but they’re extraordinary.
Flash forward to about two weeks ago, I was in adoration with a pen and my journal staring at lit candles and in awe of our amazing Savior. I started to write, and after I was finished I felt called to share. I hope in some way this speaks to you or you realize how much God loves His children.
You are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are loved and adored, you are so much more than the burdens you carry. I know what your heart desires, I know what you long for. Be patient. Rest in me, rest in my presence. I am working on my time, not the worlds, not at the pace you want. My answers will be revealed at the perfect time, just trust that. Trust that I will never hurt, abandon or betray you. I am working for your good, your well-being. My child, my child, long for my needs for you, long for my ways and I will reveal to you what is best for you.
I love you, my love is enough. My love covers darkness, sin and shame. My love will make you new again. Run to me, I am waiting with arms wide open. Open the door, let me in. Trust me. Trust is a very tricky thing because the world teaches you not to trust anyone. Don’t listen to the world, listen to me. This life is temporary, I am forever, eternal. I want to spend forever with you in my kingdom. Pick up your cross and walk with me. This won’t be easy, you will fall. But I am walking this journey with you, can’t you see me? I’m in the sunset, a babies face, a smile, the sound of heart. I’m here, look for me. Know that I am with you always and forever. I love you more than you know my child. My little flower, my love for you is infinite. You could never disappoint me, I made you. I look at you how a father looks at his children; with love, care, and comfort. Let me be your anchor, your support system. Let me love you. Open the door, I am waiting. You are more than enough. Stop seeking this world, seek me. I am the way, the truth and the life.
-- God
“For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” -- St Therese of Lisieux
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” -- Mother Teresa