To the Girls Looking for Love,
Love is an amazing part of life we all get to experience in one way or another. We seek love with our family, friends, and (what most of you girls are reading this letter for) our relationships. Now, love just doesn’t come easy — let me tell you I’ve been there. Finding someone to fill that void in your life may seem to come easy for others, and you may find yourself asking, "Well if it’s so easy for them, why isn’t it easy for me?" I found myself asking these questions all throughout high school, and I completely understand. We all want that special someone in our lives, someone who will love us unconditionally and be our best friend; someone to make memories with. That being said, my best advice for you would be: time will tell.
You can’t waste your glory days of being young waiting for a prince charming to come swoop you out of class. Sadly I must break it to you that most romantic movies you’re watching, like "Cinderella," are quite deceiving and unrealistic. There will be no glass slipper or dashing prince charming searching the kingdom for you, unfortunately. Romantic movies are the icing to the cake of wanting a relationship. I understand it is hard seeing your friends and maybe even family, along with movie characters, fall into amazing relationships when you’re stuck in the single life. But hey, in the words of Beyoncé, can’t you just be a single lady? Now I know that doesn’t work for everyone, so in that case, patience is key when looking for a relationship. The more you look, the less likely it is going to happen. Now you may be asking, what kind of nonsense is that? And I would tell you — that, my friend, is life. The second you stop looking for something is exactly when it will show up.
Everything happens for a reason, I promise. Life has a strange way of bringing others in and out of your life. For myself, I had waited years to find a relationship in high school. When the end of my junior year came and I finally found love the end result was definitely a learning experience, and he most definitely was not “the one.” You will find love one way or another. You will find your first love, your last love, your worst love, and the love you lost. Trust me, you’re gonna see it all. Love is not easy, and quite frankly hard to find.
This is where time comes into play. Over time you will meet tons of people that will have some sort of impact on your love life, good and bad. Through this time we learn things, we learn what we want in a relationship, we learn about others, and we even learn a little bit about ourselves. And as the old quote goes, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.”
At the end of the day, all we want and need is love. Through all the ups and downs love is going to bring you, I want you to remember to be patient and let time do it’s job. We want relationships when we think it is the right time for us, so we rush into things. In reality the right time in our minds might not exactly be that right time to welcome someone in. As much as you want it now, have fun, be young, and enjoy your life. Learn as much as you can, experience as much as you can, and when you’re ready, love will find you. It may be 20 years from now, or two, but love is everywhere, and when you find it, you’ll know.