I once read it was a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply and I have never heard anything more accurate. Here is a letter coming from the girl who feels everything in depth.
It is interesting to take a look at everything around you, take it all in and just stand idly by.
A person who takes everything in depth is not necessarily a sensitive person. Sensitivity tends to such a negative connotation nowadays and it’s sad. Sensitivity is based off how a person reacts to something, in particular another person’s feelings. So when someone tells me “why do you have to be so sensitive?” in the snottiest way possible, I wonder how they perceive sensitivity. I may consider myself sensitive, but I find myself a more in depth person.
These type of people are referred to as “feelers”. As a feeler, I take everything into account: every detail, every thought, every action- big or small. I overanalyze, and that in itself contributes to the way I am.
So many people in this day in age seem to be looking for someone intellectual yet not too emotional, but have emotions. Let’s lay it out clearly: people today are so picky when it comes to who the person they want to be with. Now, I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but coming from the overanalyzing feeler, it is a major obstacle.
People tend to look right at your ability to think more deeply into things and feel emotions with more sensitivity as a turn off, when in reality it’s exactly what people are looking for. We can’t burn bridges for the sake of the other person, we can’t look at the phone and not answer, we can’t leave people in their time of need, these don’t seem to be options to a feeler. For some people, it may be so easy to push others away, but for a feeler it’s one of the hardest things they have to do.
The depth that emotions run is deeper than the ocean. We tend to be persistent and not give up on those we love and care for, even when they give up on us. It is the downfall of a feeler: when people leave, we refuse not to stay. These are the type of people who, no matter what your relationship has been through, will be there to lend a helping hand at any point no matter what terms you stand on.
These are the people who will call you when you’re crying, even if you haven’t spoken in months. These are the people who will have your back, even when you didn’t have theirs. These are the people who will lend you a helping hand, no matter the time of day or circumstance.
So every once in awhile, think about things in terms of your feeler friend- the person who will stick by you no matter how many times you try to get rid of them. Think about what your actions do to them. Try to think about situations in the depth they can- you just might learn a little bit about yourself.