Dear future students,
I don't know you yet, but I love you. I know, I know, that's cliche and weird and probably what teachers are supposed to say. But it is 100% true. I love you for your fidgets, your ideas, your misbehavior, your kindness, your determination, your attitude. I love the stacks of papers I will grade, the hours of lessons I will plan, the phone calls to parents I will make, the hours after school I will spend working with you and working for you. Why? Because there is nothing else I would rather do with my life than be your teacher, support you, and help you to be the best you possible.
I know things are kind of crazy right now; we have a Secretary of Education who doesn't know what she is doing, a President drunk with power, and a House and Senate who seem unwilling to stop him. I'm not sure what things will be like when I meet you, but I am going to make you a promise now, in what feels like the beginning of a series of extremely unfortunate events, that I will continue to hold through the best of times.
I am here for you. I will do right by you. I will be the best teacher I can be for you.
I promise you, that in my classroom, all of YOU is welcome. I will not judge you based on the color of your skin, your gender, your class, your sexuality, your family, your ethnicity, your religion, your ability. I will not discriminate. What matters to me is you, the person who has been created and shaped by those things. What matters to me is how you are feeling, what you are struggling with, how you see yourself, how I can help you. I promise you, that in my classroom, you will be safe. You can share whatever you want to share without fear, practice whatever religion you wish without persecution, be who you are without judgment. I will not deport you just because our President wants to. I will not ban you because that is what he has decided should be law. I want you to come to class every day and sit in your desk, to be able to let go of your fears, even if it is just for a class period. I want you to be able to confide in me if you need to and to come to me for help when necessary. I want you to have a safe space to be you, and I promise I will provide that for you.
I promise you, that in my classroom, your needs will be met. If you need food, I will have it. If you need help, I will give it. If you need personal care products, school supplies, anything, they will be available to you. If you need extra support in my classroom or at home, I will make sure that you can access it. If you need help doing adult-ish things, I will guide you. If you need to talk, I will listen. You are important and you deserve to be cared for, and you will be, to the best of my ability.
I promise you, that in my classroom, you matter. You are more than a statistic, a stereotype. You are an individual and you will be treated as such. Your thoughts and opinions matter to me. Your struggles matter to me. Your well-being matters to me. I care.
I promise you, that in my classroom, you will learn. If you are open to it, you will think critically, interpret, be creative, have your horizons broadened. That is my job, and I will not let you down. I will do my best to prepare you for the real world and help you have fun along the way. I will do my best to help you push yourself so that you can grow into a better you. You deserve that opportunity.
I promise you that I believe in you. You can do great things. You can be whatever you want to be; a doctor, lawyer, mother, teacher, astronaut, engineer, janitor, manager, CEO, nurse, historian, archaeologist, architect, journalist, botanist, interpreter, president, ambassador, chef, administrative assistant, artist, musician, athlete, housewife, father, cosmetologist. You can pass this class, you can graduate, you can learn, grow, think, problem solve, go on to great things. You can get into college or trade school, you can work your way up the chain of command at McDonald's or a factory. You can do it.
There are so many other things that I want to promise you. But I will end with the most important one:
I promise to always love you. Even in the moments where you talk back, threaten, get angry or frustrated. Even in the moments when I have to discipline you, when I have no idea how to help you, when you are annoying. Even in the moments when I am questioning my career choice, when I am swamped with work, when I'm not doing the best job. I will love you because you deserve to be loved, because you are the reason I am doing what I am doing. You are a huge part of my life, of my call. You are a person full of amazing qualities and bright light. You are the reason I am writing this right now before I know who you are. I might let you down, I might not always be the best teacher, I might get frustrated or tired. But I promise you, though I might fail you, I will never give up on you.
I am so excited to be your teacher.
See you soon,
Ms. Gibson