Being a young aunt has the best perks. I get to spend all the best times with the kids and give them back whenever I want (HA). I get to be the fun one. I get to see their faces light up when they haven't seen me in forever. I get to love them and love them and love them. Near or far, they're always in my heart. My love for them is so strong that I wonder often if other aunts/uncles feel this way. So this one is for them, whether they ever read it or babies who aren't my babies. Some of whom aren't even "babies", some of whom aren't even born yet.
Lane, Alivia, Riley, & Auntie, Winter 2016
Dear nieces & nephews,
I've been thinking about you (as always), and I have some things I want to tell you. So, this letter is to you.
I'll always be here for you & I will always do what's best for you.
If you ever need someone to go to for ANYTHING AT ALL I will always be here. This can put me in a tricky spot, however, because first and foremost I am your aunt. What you need to try to understand as you grow up is that I want to be your friend all the time. Being one of your best friends is like my dream as your young, cool, fun aunt. Here's the thing, though, I'm always going to put what's best for you before the way you feel about me. It's unfortunate, but it needs to be that way. However, I promise you that I will take everything you tell me to the grave unless it endangers you or someone else or sets off a major alarm in my head. That's what you need to get, I want to protect you more than anything and that will always be my first priority.
I'll always tell you the truth.
Or some form of the truth, anyway. I'll put it this way, I'll tell you as much as I can at the time, but I'll never try to cover it up completely. Being lied to is the worst. Being lied to by a family member is just insulting. I may not always be at liberty to tell you the whole truth, but I'll always give you what I've got. I want you to be able to trust me, and if you want answers, I want you to have answers. It took me 19 years to get all of my answers, and I don't want that for you.
Baby Grimm, arriving any day now.
Understand that while you're all my besties, your parents were my besties first. They were the primal besties.
You are all my best friends, as far as I'm concerned. The most amazing little (and not so little) humans I've ever had the pleasure to know. Truly, you guys are the coolest. But I've got some news for you: your parents were my first best friends, and it'll always be that way. In almost every situation your parents' requests of me when it comes to you will come before what you ask of me. Please don't confuse this with my first point, as I will still keep your secrets and hear you out ALWAYS, but your parents helped raised me and you've got to realize that my respect for them is through the roof. If they overrule us, they overrule us.
Don't ever feel like you're any less special to me than one another.
With there being eight, going on nine, of you- near and far from me- I can't stress this enough. You guys are all so amazing, how could I ever choose favorites? Boys, girls, whatever. You're all my favorites. Period.
Emma & Auntie, Summer 2016
Okay, that's enough of the really sappy stuff. There are a few more points I'd like to make to you, though. Bear with me.
I will never apologize for my cheesy jokes and puns. Get over it.
Q: What did the buffalo say when his son left for college?
A: Bi-son!
If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going.
Never give up, please. Need some examples of this? See My Life volumes 1 & 2 and then see where I am now. If you need some help, ask. Just never give up.
Jordyn, Madelynn, Brooklyn, & Auntie, Spring 2015
NEVER doubt Auntie's ability to throw together an awesome playlist when you need new music or a random dance party.
Trust me on this one.
Don't grow up too fast.
Being an adult can be fun, but it can also be very difficult. Don't rush your life. I'm only 19 and I look back and wonder where the time went already. High school was already years ago for me. Don't take your childhood for granted. You will grow up, you cannot biologically avoid it. Just relax.
You are always, always, always welcome with me, but I won't let you run away from your problems.
If you're ever lost or just simply wandering or itching for the sight of a new place for awhile, you will always be welcome wherever I am. I don't know where I'll end up, but I'll never leave you behind. My door will always be open for you kids. However, I won't let you run away from the realities you need to face... because I care for you.
Remember your crazy aunt when you get rich.
I'll have my cats ready to move into your basement whenever you call.
I may have my own children someday, but I will always have all of you to thank for teaching me about children. I may not have birthed you, but you were my first babies. Some of you were the siblings I never had. Some of you are guilty of hanging around me so much you've slipped up and called me "mom". ALL of you make my world go 'round.
Elly & Auntie, Summer 2016