Dear friends,
First of all, I appreciate our friendship. We can be real about everything and anything. Since we can do these things, I am going to be real and honest about something with you. I am asexual. That isn't a joke. That isn't a choice. It is how I was born and it isn't something that I can control and it certainly isn't something I want advice on.
You reproduce via sex so you can't be asexual. Being asexual doesn't mean I just pop out babies on my own. It means that I hate all things related to sex or that has the word sex in the title of the action. Sex is just in your nature, you can't be asexual. No, sex isn't in my nature. It is completely out of my nature if I can help it. You just haven't had the right kind of sex. This one drives me crazy. Having different kinds of sex is not going to make me like sex. There's a difference between having bad sex and disliking sex all together. This is literally like telling a lesbian that she just hasn't met the right guy yet.
I really wish that people could would watch what they say. I know that everything offends someone in our world today, but some of that can be prevented. If it is a dig towards that person's personal life, then you need to keep your cake hole shut. Want to ruin my already bad day? Tell me that I should get some so that I feel better, cool down, or have a good day. Yes, I will get offended if you make sex jokes at me because it is rude and none of your business to talk about.
Finally, never try to say that I'm just confused or too good. I know exactly how I feel and where I stand on my sexuality. It is hard enough having a partner who understands my sexuality but struggles with it. I don't need your two cents. I hope that you never have to be madly in love with someone but unable to meet their needs physically, and in turn you're also not meeting their emotional needs. If I could be a normal person who enjoyed sex, I would be, but I can't be.
Educate yourself before you open your mouth. If it's rude, then just don't open your mouth because you never know what may trigger or personally upset someone. Don't try to play Dr. Phil to someone who doesn't want your advice. Asking honest questions to learn is totally acceptable, I love explaining what my sexuality is and how it differs from others. Be kind. Be open minded. Be thoughtful.
Your friend who prefers a good cuddle