Dear Mommy,
Honestly, I don't even know how long I've been in here. All I know is that each day my room is getting smaller and smaller. Actually, I think I'm going to need to move out soon if that's OK with you. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, especially when you're asleep. It's when I think best, except for the times that Daddy snores. I don't understand how you can sleep through that! It doesn't upset me, but it does make me giggle. I'm not really scared about moving out because I know that everything happens for a purpose, but I'm just in pure astonishment and admiration of you, mommy.
You are willing to sacrifice nine months of your life to allow God to knit me together uniquely and intricately inside your womb. We haven't even looked into each others' eyes yet, but you still are choosing to sacrifice so much physically and emotionally just to simply try to bring me into this world because you desire to share it with me.The number of times that you and daddy tried never scared you. It motivated you. It made this time together that much more meaningful for the two of us. You are so courageous, mommy. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your patience during the times when nothing seemed to be happening. Thank you for your perseverance during the times when things ended up backfiring. Thank you for my life, regardless of how long it may be. It is the only life I have ever known, and I'm eternally grateful for it.
If I never get the chance to tell you this in person, I want you to know that I love you. I'm thankful for your sacrificial heart, your courageous spirit and your loving soul. These times that we've spent together snuggled so close are moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I can't wait to meet you, mommy, whether it be here on Earth or one day in Heaven. To simply look at the woman who made the decision to let me live and grow inside her will be a moment that will bring me to my knees, a moment that will release a flood of tears with utmost joy. It will be beautiful and amazing, but until that day, let's just enjoy the however many days, weeks or months that we have left together here in the womb. It's so cozy, and I want to make the most out of every single second I have left in here with you. I can't wait for you to hold me, to kiss me, to play with me. I guarantee that I will be a handful, but hey, you and daddy made me, so what did you expect?
Happy Mother's Day,
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made