Dear Society,
It’s still November. Remember what happens this month? I happen this month.
I am here to say that I do not appreciate being overlooked. First, there is the insatiable hype about Halloween, and then on the first of November, everyone breaks out their red bows, garland, and twinkly lights for Christmas.
Why is it that as soon as Halloween is over, all people want to do is move on to Christmas? What about me? Have I slipped away from the history books and family traditions?
I would still like to be recognized for bringing people together. The pilgrims and Native Americans came together in the New World to celebrate the first harvest, giving thanks to all they had. Giving thanks is what I am all about. I want you to enjoy family chatter and laughter as you all sit around a table sharing a meal provided by those willing to work hard to ensure you have what you need.
I understand I do not have festive music, TV shows or movies. I know I do not have fancy décor to liven the season. I understand I focus more on giving than receiving. However, I do not require costumes or candy. I do not require pine trees or gifts. I offer you the chance to surround yourself with loved ones and cherish life.
You must remember that I am a time to show thanks for all that life has given you. Please take the opportunity to slow down. Eat delicious food, congregate with one another, and appreciate it too. Christmas will come in a few short weeks.
Please do not overlook me. I will be here for years to come.