There are days when I miss you. There are days that I don't. And I am more than certain you have felt the same. I am so happy for you and all you're doing! College is stressful, life gets in the way, and now we have full-time jobs. When did that happen? It's hard to balance all of that and friendships sometimes. Others make it look so easy. But, it's not for me. I'm sorry I haven't been there. I'm sorry that we don't talk on the phone all the time. I'm sorry I don't always comment on your Facebook posts.
But, I am not sorry for leaving.
I had to. Nothing could keep me home, not even you. And I'm not sorry. Life had called me elsewhere and that wasn't the same coast as you.
I'm not sorry for chasing my dreams. My dreams aren't going to be fulfilled back home. No college there could help me. No job would be my ideal career. I had to leave.
I'm not sorry that I share adventures with my new friends on social media. I have a new life. They are here and we love each other, just as we have loved each other.
I hope you can be happy for me just as I am happy for you. I pray for you all the time. I know life isn't the easiest and things get thrown into a huge mess. But I know you can handle it. I believe in you. You are incredible. And I do miss you.
I miss Justin Bieber concerts with my favorite twins. I miss having you spend every single day of summer with me and eating Baconators. I miss bickering about how to lead the new cheer squad. I miss watching you play first base with your parents taking excessive pictures. I miss being Gossip Girls. I miss dating the school's star basketball player. I miss going to lunch and almost dying because of my driving. I miss having personal parkers for my truck. I miss cheering on my boys in green every Friday night. I miss waiting for you to finish a story but you're actually done. I miss late nights driving around in your dark blue Escalade and falling in love with you.
I miss everyone that made my high school experience the experience it was and the person I am today. But, the hardest part about growing up is having to say good-bye to those you love.
So, I want to tell you one thing- don't ever tell me you're sorry. Life happens and we didn't know what to expect after we walked across that football field that beautiful May night. You are the best thing to have ever happened to me. Thank you for being the people you are and for creating the person I am today. I will forever love you because of the life you have given me.