While this is very cliche, I feel like these words need to be said to so many of you. Graduation for my high school was Saturday. Because of the awkward time of my birthday, I am younger than my graduating class, but just a little bit older than this year's graduating class. Luckily, I made many friends in both classes. For my friends that just graduated, I have some words of wisdom to impart from someone with experience in the "real world". The cover photo for this article is from my graduation, and I look very confused, which is appropriate, because I had no clue what I was getting in to.
I want to begin by saying that nothing you have been told thus far will be able to prepare you for what you are about to do. Whether you are going to college, joining the military, or going straight to the workforce you need to understand that your world is about to change drastically. I'm about to get brutally honest, and a little gross. I lived at home my entire life and had never been away from home for longer than two weeks. Move in day was horrendous for me. I frequently have panic attacks, but for some reason the day I was moving in I went straight from panic attack to being physically sick. I mean I threw up all over that dorm room before I had all my stuff moved in. It was awful. I'm telling you this so you know that it's OK to be stressed out about moving out and moving on with your life. After the first two weeks, I was fine. I had a few days where I cried in the shower, and went to sleep upset, but that went away. Because the truth of the matter is that it will be the most amazing time of your life.
Living on campus was the best thing I ever did. I learned to take care of myself, how to live with someone other than a sibling, and realized just how awesome that freedom was. That freedom though also calls for great responsibilities: like washing your own clothes in a shared laundry room, not having someone to take care of you when you're sick, and learning how strong you are - because college, and just life in general, is difficult: but it is supposed to be. It is supposed to kick your butt and break you, because when you come out on the other side, you will realize who you really are. You learn that you aren't the same person who walked through the doors of your high school the freshman year. You'll learn your not even the same person who walked across the stage to get your diploma (I know I'm not the same confused girl from the picture above).
So get out there, make new friends, and do uncomfortable things. I know you will want to stick with your friends from high school, but you need to remember that they're not the only people you'll meet in this world. There are some people you will meet and you will wonder "Where was this person in high school?!". You are going to make mistakes, and you are probably going to cry a little bit, but in the end this journey on which you are about to embark, be it college or not, will show you who you are, and you will make great memories and learn so many things. I know it is hard, but remember why you are doing this, and know that the reward is so much greater than the pain.