Hello friend,
Ugh, I could sit here for hours and talk about all of the great memories we have had and how much I miss you, but that's meant for another time. How have you been? How are your classes? Give me the 411 on your life!
To be completely honest, I think about you more than I even realize. I'll hear a song we used to jam to in the car or a ridiculous picture of us or a restaurant we used to go to late at night or that necklace you gave me for my birthday a few years back. And every time I think about you, I think about how sad it is to know that I can't really text you. Yes, I have your number and yes, I am fully capable of texting you, but it's hard when we aren't on that level, right now.
I used to text you all the time, with dumb vines and screenshots of text messages from boys, but here I am, scared to text, "hey, how are you?". I know it wouldn't be a big deal if I did text you, but yet, I'm finding it difficult to press send. I guess, I don't have the right words. I don't know how to tell you that life got away from me and you got lost in the midst. I've been focusing on making sure I'm not drowning in life, but I haven't made sure you don't need CPR, either. I hope you're okay. I hope your family is okay. I hope your dog is okay (I always loved your dog).
It's not that we ended on a bad note, but we really didn't end, at all. We never said our last goodbyes or made plans to see each other next. And to be honest, it probably hasn't ended yet. I'll see you someday and we will grab coffee when we are back in town. Or I will run into you in the grocery store or at the mall and we will run into each other's arms and pretend nothing has changed.
I don't doubt that when we do get back together, we will go back to our old ways, but for now, here I am. Just thinkin' about you and writing you a letter because I don't know what to say or how to say it. I hope you aren't mad at me for not texting you first, but I'm sure life just got away from you, too. And that's alright. I still love you and will always love you. I cannot wait to grab coffee with you and catch up... I'm looking forward to it.
Your friend who hasn't talked to you in a while
P.S. Don't do anything TOO crazy while I'm gone