Dear friend,
It's finally fall of 2016, and that means election season is well on it's way to really heating up, which means our differing opinions are starting to flare up as well! We are both so passionate about what we believe that it’s hard to understand how we remain friends when we disagree so heavily. Each of us believes the other is the cause of all problems in our country, and yet, we remain loyal, full of love and accepting of our differences. We may not want to get in debates everyday, but sometimes we just can't help it! As election season begins, I want you to know some things about our relationship that may or may not change.
Firstly, I wholeheartedly encourage you to vote, even if it’s not for the candidate I want. Too many in our generation believe their voices do not get heard while refusing to make a sound. I want you to make a sound, to be heard. Our voices are equal, and it would be hypocritical of me to not encourage you to fight for your beliefs and call myself your friend when your only aim is to change the world.
Secondly, I will always respect your views, and you need to respect mine. We disagree on so much: welfare, social justice, economics etc. I will always hear your opinion, and perhaps be a little critical; however, I will never put you down or disrespect you. Respect is the foundation of friendship, and when we both give and receive it, our friendship can remain strong.
Third, we must both understand our views are evolving. I myself have changed some of my views from moving 1,500 miles off the coast! Not to mention the fact that we are young and as the world around us changes, so must we. We need to understand that some of our views may change, that we may grow out of them, and we must accept and respect these changes in each other. Just because our view on an issue may change does not mean we were wholly "wrong" to begin with.
Finally, you need to know that I will always be there for you outside of our views and will support you in whatever you do. No, I may not volunteer at your party’s rally, but I will go with you and be your friend outside of politics no matter what.
So this November, I will be by your side just like I always am. We will go to our polling center and cast our ballots on opposing sides. We will talk to different campaigners on our way in and watch different videos. We will be in different political clubs and have friends and family who think the other is crazy. In the end, we will have become a part of history on opposing sides, then driven off to sonic, because that's how our friendship works.