I wish this article could only be about one person, because that would mean I've had a pretty nice life with friends that were endlessly supportive and never turned their backs on me. And while most of my friends throughout the years have been wonderful and always there for me, this isn't the case with all of them. Here is my letter to those friends.
Dear former friend,
Thank you. While you were my friend, we had some amazing times together. We had fun sleepovers and gossip sessions and it felt like I could tell you anything. Thank you for being there for me during those good times and letting me be myself. Thank you for growing up and experiencing new things with me. Whether it be a new school year, a new band, or a new hair color, you were by my side and supportive during those times. It was hard at times but with each other's help, we managed to get by.
Thank you for teaching me about friendship. You taught me what to look for in a friend, how to be a better friend, and how to know when to cut off a toxic friend. Yes, that was you. Although our time as friends was fun-filled and exciting, it has come to an end. Why, you ask? It's hard to be specific when this could be addressed to anyone. It could be that you became too clingy or possessive over me and my friendship. Or that you just had such a negative outlook on life that it was dragging me down as well. Or maybe because you disrespected our friendship in a way I simply couldn't overlook. Whatever the reason, you taught me that I needed to look out for myself over anyone else, and gave me the courage to walk away from our friendship. So while it wasn't an easy thing to do, thank you for allowing me to do so.
And thank you for opening my eyes to the wide world of friends that had been neglected while we were besties. After our friendship ended, so many others that I had forgotten or pushed aside in favor of you stepped into the light. Many of these people expressed their enthusiasm that I had moved on from such a poor friendship and chose to do better for myself. It wasn't an easy replacement, but I had many new, better friends to connect with, so I had an array of options.
Thank you for making my life better. You brought happiness and joy both when you became my friend and after you left and took your toxic friendship with you. Although going through a friend breakup is difficult, knowing that you are moving on to fresher air and greener pastures makes it worthwhile. And while some were harder than others, in the end I know that I am in a better emotional place now than I was before in those friendships. Thank you for showing me that it is okay and even necessary to put myself and my needs before others. I am so much better off because of this. I hope you find happiness, too.
Lexi Shank.