There is no way I can easily put this all in words, for you have managed to always go above and beyond what I’d ever expect out of anyone for me.
When I call you at night because I’m sad, you answer. When I make a stupid mistake, you call me out on it and encourage me to fix it. When I feel like giving up, you hold out your hand and bring me to my feet. You are truly my other half, and you are the reason I am the person that I am today.
Now, I know we have had our fair share of fights, and there were even times where we swore we would never be friends again.
Even through times like those, we have always man aged to find our way back to each other. We have learned that we need each other, and we are far too alike to even attempt to live our lives without one another. You are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Even though I have grown and we have changed, we still remain as good of friends as ever. We have experienced it all. There is really nothing we haven’t accomplished together, and nothing we couldn’t accomplish together. I recall meeting you in a class we had together, because I thought a video was funny and I shared it with the new girl next to me, and she happened to be you. From then on, we were inseparable. Remember those nights where there was a house full of people and I was upset? You put everyone aside to come comfort me. Or what about the time where we went to the football game together and someone spilled hot chocolate on my shirt? You lent me yours. There were even times when I called you because I had nowhere else to go, n o one to turn to, and you always offered to let me stay with you. Aside from just being there for each other, we have had some crazy memories as well.
Do you recall our road trip?
When we stopped and just completely got lost along the way, just because we wandered off and were having too much fun? Or what about the nights during winter when we would drive to McDonalds at 2 a.m. just because we woke up at the same time in the middle of the night with ridiculous cravings? I think my favorite nights were the ones where we spent the night in the trunk of a pickup gazing at the stars and having heart-to-hearts to get our minds off the howling coyotes nearby. We have truly done it all. We have come so far, and I never could imagine my life without you. I mean, if I didn’t have you, who else would I call when I get a new job? Or who would I recite my favorite movie lines with? Who would I drive around with in the middle of the night blaring music with? Plus, at this point, you know way too many of my secrets for you to walk away, and I know too many of yours as well. We are in this for life, my friend, and there’s no turning back with how far we have come.
I hope you know all the plans I have for us in the future.
Even as we grow old and move across the state, or even across the country, you will always be in my heart. I will always travel to see you, and I know you’d travel to see me too. I don’t worry about our friendship in the future, I know we can make it through whatever life brings our way. In our futures together, I can guarantee that you will one day be my maid of honor when I get married, and I will throw you your dream baby shower the day you begin having kids with someone. I envision that when you get old and gray, and you can’t feed yourself your pudding and vitamins, I can see myself spoon-feeding you your pudding with your vitamins hidden in it. Chances are, you’ll be sassy and you won’t want to take them because you’re strong, and you don’t think you will need them. That’s how I will always remember you though: strong.
You have shown me in the years I have known you that you are a kind, forgiving, loving soul that loves to teach and inspire. You dream big, and you never let anything or anyone stand in your way. You get rid of the poisonous people in your life, which I know it can be hard. You care about everyone in your life dearly and put your feelings and your wishes and needs aside in order to accompany theirs. A person like you comes around once in a lifetime, and I am honored to call you my best friend.
I just want you to know that no matter where life takes us, I will always be here for you. If we drift apart, you can always call me if you ever need me. If, at some point in life you get lost and can’t find your way, I will guide you. I know you would do the same for me. We have done so much together, we have lived through so many crazy events together, and we have been so close for what seems like only a short time. Just know, though, that you always have a home with me and that there is always someone that cares about you and will do anything for you. You're a fearless, strong, brave woman who will accomplish a lot in her life. You will go far, and you have the capability to change the world.
You have made such an impact on mine already, I can’t even imagine what you could do for others. I hope you find happiness, success, and that your future is bright whatever you go. And wherever you go, don’t forget that I will always be here.