I wish you the best.
I honestly say that heavily. I really do wish you the best. Not just on this endeavor. On all of your life obstacles.
It hurts me to say that. But, it also hurt when you threw in my face how little our friendship meant to you.
You had been there for a lot. Been there when no one else was. I remember a time when you dropped everything and ran out of work without even telling your boss, because I was stranded on the side of the road, seven months pregnant, with no one else to come help me.
I was two hours outside of town and you had never driven on the interstate that far, was there to my rescue.
I don't forget the good you've done for me. I don't forget the times you were there when no one else was. I'm thankful for them. But, how did you forget about the times I was there for you? How did you forget about the times I held you as you cried, when no one else understood. Why does that not mean something to you?
I found out weeks back before you made it public about your newly found news. I bit my tongue. Held back my tears and said, I wish her the best.
You gave up our friendship for someone who doesn't deserve you. You threw in the towel for a relationship that has broken you down. To me, friendship is very important. It's the relationships we get to choose in life and cherish them even harder, because we get to choose those. It's something that should move mountains and build bridge over the toughest of times.
You threw that away.
I only want what's best for you. That's all I've ever done. No matter if I agreed with the situation or not, I was there for you. Rooting YOU on. What ever in life makes YOU happy, I've supported. But, you stopped talking to me. Because HE didn't want you talking to me.
I see you are extremely happy about your new plans in life. I am happy for you. I truly am. But, I draw the line at choosing someone whose screwed you over, over someone whose been there for you.
Anyone that loves you, should see friendship is valuable. Should support you. If they can't respect that. I can't respect you. Please understand me when I say that.
Please understand I love you, and your new bundle of joy. I always will. I always have. And I will always be here, at a distance.
There is gonna be so much through this journey that I wish I could be by your side for like you where mine. It won't be easy too sit back and watch from the sidelines. It would be easy to watch someone else fill the shoes with the milestones I was supposed to be there for, again like you where for mine. In life we are given options and yours was chosen.
Again, don't ever forget I love you and I'm happy for you.