Dear best friend,
Happy birthday, I truly hope it's just as wonderful as you are.
While I haven't been your friend for all your birthdays, I'd like to think I've been there for some of the best years. While in those years I've seen you smile, cry, angry, and stunning you've stayed the same lovable girl the whole time. I wasn't there for the birthday parties, but I'm here for the birthday parties now.
Besides your mom, I guarantee I am the second happiest person that you were brought into this world, my world wouldn't be the same without you. You've made my years crazy and memorable. You've helped me grow, and learn, and live. I couldn't be more happy I'm getting to count years with you in my life.
You deserve nothing but the best on your special day, you do so so so much for everyone around you, you deserve a day all about you. You're not only my favorite friend, but my favorite human.
I promise when I see you we'll party it up, however you want. Happy beautiful birthday girl, I love you.