Dear Best Friend,
You are my best friend for so many reasons. We have gone on so many adventures we could write a book. We grew up together and had so many great moments before we understood what friendship was. It was the greatest when we could hang out without the supervision of our overprotective parents. When we were finally able to drive the world became ours. We rode back roads and trail till sundown. I can’t count the times we went to go eat Chinese food. High school was the best time of my life.
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We both graduated and went to different school five hours away from each other. It has been tough not seeing you every day. I have had to make some new friends and find new people to hang out with. Don’t worry, no one could replace you. I know you have made some new friends and I love hearing about them and the adventures y'all go on. It’s been a little tough think you could find a new best friend but every time we get together it confirms more and more that we will be besties forever.
It was really hard when you got a serious boyfriend. I had a feeling that it would be the end of all the fun times and we were done adventuring but little did I know that he was the guy our little group was missing. I knew the first day that I met him that you all were going to live happily ever after. I was so happy when he told me he was going to propose to you because I knew that this was meant to be. We have had many conversations about our wedding day and how it would happen. You never had much interest but I have been planning our wedding since we were children and now the time has come that we get to plan it together.
We are going to be friends forever. I have already mentioned that in your apartment/house you have to have an extra bedroom for me to visit. I am going to miss you so much. I have gotten so used to you being home when I am and now you will not be. I have taken our Chinese food dates and Walmart trips for granted and I am sorry for that. Thank you so much for all of the amazing times we have had. In the next couple of moths I will cherish every single moment we spend together and I am so excited to be able to be there beside you on your wedding day.
One day I will be able to call you up and we will schedule play dates for our children so that they can be best friends just like our parents did. I have learned so much from you and about myself just by being your friend. So buckle up, we have a long road of laughter and adventures ahead.
Your Best Friend