You finished your college shopping, your trunk is filled up to the ceiling, all wrapped in newspapers in cardboard boxes.
Your loans are all set up and your fall semester schedule is screenshot photo on your camera roll in your "Favorites" folder so you have it on hand. Everything is in line and all of a sudden, it hits you.
You are going away to college.
Now when I was in this situation, I began to panic and freak out to my parents. All of these far-fetched and absurd thoughts came flooding to my head. I began to spiral down this rabbit hole of uncertainty and anxiety. I went into college anxious but definitely excited.
Here are a few points that I learned about my first year.
1. This won't be high school, in the best way possible.
It is a completely different atmosphere compared to high school.
The biggest difference that I had comfort in knowing after my first year was that people are only really concerned about their own business. It isn't (for the most part) a judgmental atmosphere anymore. Not everyone knows your personal life. Not everyone knows how you feel about "A" or "B." Everyone is just trying to figure out what to do next and they move on.
And if you still run into people still like that, ignore them and remove yourself away from them.
They are stuck in high school, that doesn't mean you have to be too.
2. The independence you'll have will be amazing.
Now, it's on your own schedule.
You get to decide what you want to do on a day-to-day basis. Meals. Fitness. Classes. Hangouts. Parties.
It is all on your time now, so enjoy the independence. Just don't waste it all away on solely one thing. Have a healthy balance of "work and play."
Also, be smart. If there is something that is making your gut feeling say, "Don't do it." Don't do it. Trust your intuition.
You'll thank yourself later.
3. This is a time to begin again.
This is a time you can restart and reinvent yourself.
If you didn't have the best time in high school, this is your time to do things differently.
You will meet so many people of so many different backgrounds and so many relationships will come out of it. Wear whatever the hell you want, this is your time to find out what your tastes are. Deck out your room with your own sense of style. Learn new recipes to eat on a day-to-day basis. Join new clubs and get involved with your community!
Test the waters, try new things and meet new people. Self-discover.
4. You'll have time on your hands to get what you need done.
You won't be having all of your classes back to back five days a week anymore. After your first semester, you'll get to organize a schedule based on your preferences (finally), meaning what time you want classes and how many classes you want to take on (depending on your credits). Now with all this time, it's all how you manage time.
Word of advice: constantly look at your syllabus, get things done ahead and/or on time, and don't half ask anything.
5. The majority of what you worry about, won't even happen.
All of your fears and "what ifs", you'll notice the majority of the time never end up happening. It is just a figment of your imagination. So, let yourself breathe.
You'll figure out what things do and don't work.
You'll meet people you're supposed to meet, for a short period of time or a long time. You'll find out what you are passionate about, and what things you definitely aren't. Anyone that says they have it figured out or has their act together, is lying. Everyone is figuring out and piecing it together. Just find your routine day by day.
Cut yourself some slack, and enjoy the adventure of starting college.
You're going to love it.