Dear Ex- Best Friends,
We use to be so close that we were like sisters-- I practically lived with you. We texted and hung out 24/7 and then we drifted apart. I know if I gave a little more effort we would still be friends, but I let that friendship drift because I realized you were no longer my best friend. I use to cry when I thought about how our friendship turned and how I missed you. However, I realized it's not you I miss, it's the person you use to be. That's why we aren't friends now because as much as I loved our friendship, it no longer exists. You aren't the same person anymore and the person you have become is not the person I want in my life. I love you dearly and I will always hold you in my heart, but I won't hold onto our friendship. The person you have become scares me and I know there is nothing I can do. To be honest, I think of your future and my heart breaks and not because I'm not in it, but because I'm not even sure if you will be. You became a drug user and you can't hold onto a job-- all you do now is party and get high. I've tried to help but there's nothing left for me to do. You can't help someone who won't help themselves. As much as I love you and care for you, I still can't be your friend. I'm scared someday you will have tried all kinds of serious drugs and end up dying of an overdose and I can't just stand by and watch, that's why I had to let you go.
Your Once Best Friend