Dear Sons and Daughters,
Hey kiddos, Mom here! I just wanted to give you some advice as you indulge in all this world has to offer you. Many things you won't understand until you are much older or at least in your teenage years, but there is no harm in prefacing your future with my past experiences.
First, to my daughters:
Throughout your life you WILL be scrutinized by the society around you. You will be seen as the lesser gender when compared to a man and you will be told that you are not good enough. You will have boys that don't treat you like the precious gem you are and you will have your heart broken by many. Despite these inevitable situations, you WILL rise above. You are a strong individual who can not be shaken by the mere words of others. You can and will hold your head high even when all odds are against you.
To my sons:
Growing up, you'll be seen as "the man" or a person who should not show emotion. You'll be taught that rules sometimes don't apply to you and that being a jerk is acceptable. Wrong. This is all wrong.
Show some sensitivity with your friends or whoever you choose to be in a relationship with. From a girl's point of view, we're always looking for a guy to express his emotions more. Make sure you treat everyone with respect and use the manners that you have been taught. Whenever you find that special someone, value them. Show them that you love and respect them more than they could ever imagine. I know that you are strong and intelligent, so don't be afraid to show that.
As for advice, I only have a few things for y'all. Find your passion, love as Christ has loved you, and value who you are. Listen to your elders, even when you don't want to, because one day you will be grateful for their wisdom. Finally, never change from who you are into the person that your society tells you that you should be. Image/social status is NOT everything. Keep a level head.
No matter where you go in this world or who you become, as long as you are happy then I am happy. Through it all I will love you unconditionally and I hope that you never forget that you matter.
With love,
Your Future Mother