Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. Us dancers get it all the time, that blank reaction when we answer their questions about what sport we play with, “ I dance.” Endless hours in the studio, those days we thought we just wanted to give up because we couldn't take rehearsals anymore. For me it was all worth it.
Dance has made me into the best version of myself and for that I have to be thankful. From the beginning, I knew it was going to be something I would constantly look forward too. Coming from a small studio, the bonds I made with my team is something I will never be able to replace and those were the people that I still refer to as my second family. Dance has always been there. Even when I didn’t want to talk about what I was going through, I was able to step foot into the studio and forget about whatever I was stressing about. Even when I wanted to give up and not try at anything, dance was always there to help me stay motivated.
Dance, I have to thank you.
Thank you for being the constant stability in my life when everything else was changing around me. When friends disappeared, interests started changing, and everything wasn’t the same anymore. You were the one thing that stayed constant throughout the crazy ride called life and offered me some comforting stability to keep me going.
Thank you for being the one thing I could always look forward to even when I didn’t want to keep going anymore. Having to cope with a lot growing up, things got tough and I’d be lying if I said at times I just wanted to give up on myself. That feeling always changed when I stepped foot into the studio and realized how lucky I was to even get the chance to do what I love every day.
Thank you for helping me gain the confidence I have today, without you I would still be insecure. You allowed me to gain a sense of confidence that I never thought I would. I am happy when I am dancing and this has allowed me to start chasing my dreams no matter how big. Thank you for allowing me to be proud of myself and to always have a goal to work towards.
Thank you for giving me strength, both physically and mentally. Thank you for the friendships you have given me. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for the adventures with Mom. Thank you for making me realize that hard work does pay off. Thank you for the feeling I get when I step off stage. Thank you for the stories I was capable of sharing through movement. Thank you for constantly inspiring me. Thank you for helping me through the hardest times.
Most importantly, thank you for being a constant escape from my thoughts. Being able to let everything go when I am dancing is a skill that I will always value and look forward to using. This is the reason I am who I am today, dance has allowed me to come out of my dark places feeling better than ever. It has taught me lessons about teamwork, confidence, endurance, determination, and how to follow my dreams no matter how big they are. Dance has been everything for me and I can only hope it will continue to do that for me. Lastly,
Thank you dance for shaping me into best version of myself, one I never thought i’d accomplish.