Holy cow, what just happened? I swear we blinked, and our last year of college is now sitting right in front of us ready to be filled with memories to last a lifetime. No, we are absolutely not excited for class, professors, and an incredible amount of procrastination. But... we are excited for getting fat off of late night Sheetz runs, screaming at football games, and most of all being crazy with our friends we've made over the past three years. I mean that's why we pay all this money, right? It's definitely not for education.
Don't let that excitement run too wild, because this is it, guys.
I remember when we first moved into the halls as little fresh-meat. We were so scared and so nervous as to what college was going to create us to be. Are we going to make friends? Would we date a Chis Pine look-a-like or the hottest girl on campus? Could we find the Jonah Hill to our Channing Tatum and be mediocre policemen together disguised as college students? These questions were answered over the past three years (if you were a disguised policemen dressed as college students, I never knew so kudos to you, my friends). Now, we're wishing to go back to specific moments where we were the happiest. Whether that be that one touchdown to tie the game, to that one basket with three seconds left, or that one night you just sat in your dorm and watched a movie with some of the best people, they're all college memories.
Now, I'm making it sound like our lives are ending after we graduate college. Well, it is... I'm sorry to break it to you in an article. I know I should have called and told you, but I was scared. I didn't want to hurt you. I'm really sorry; it's not you, it's me. There's so many other lives in the sea. You'll find another one; I promise.
Now that it's awkward, I'll wrap it up.
We have one year, two semesters, or 30 weeks left of our college career. As our chapter is coming to a close, my prayer for us as a class is that we make it count. I hope we find the selves we want to be in this world. I hope we create more friendships than we already have. Most importantly, I hope we make a difference whether it be in ourselves, in the school, or in someone else's life. The next thing we know, we'll be walking across that stage in the spring receiving a piece of paper saying we made it for a second time in a row. Before that $100,000 paper reaches your hand, make sure you put it all on the field, leave it all on the track, or even kill it on the test. We deserve it. We've made it this far, so let's go all the way. Bleed black and orange this year. Be a true senior Yellow Jacket.
But hey, other than that I'll see you at The Hive, and we can grab a chicken patty and fries. Peace.