Being away at college makes you miss a lot about the life you left behind. Your friends, your hometown, and for some, maybe even your high school. However, every single person misses their family every day.
I was lucky enough to have both of my parents in my life for my whole life. I had 2 other sisters and my 2 parents, and I've never been more thankful to have these people in my life.
First, my parents. My mom and dad have always been there for me, no matter what situation I was in. I know I can come to them with any issue I had and they would give me the best advice they could offer. They've both been through so much in their life, and I am so thankful to have them in my life.
Next, my older sister, Jordan. My mom had always said that her and I would get very close when we left for college and got older. We both never thought this would be the case, considering even though we were close, we had a lot of differences and would often fight because of how close we were in age, but how different we were.
However, since moving away from each other, we have become a lot closer. We come to each other with life problems, boy problems and college problems. We also come to each other for the good parts, like sending funny pictures or telling each other random things.
Even though we both never say it, I do really love and care for her. I'm happy we got a lot closer after leaving for college just like my mom said.
Next, my youngest sister Ryan. Me and Ryan have mostly gotten along because we are both very similar. We both have the same humor, the same likes and dislikes, and we do a lot of the same things.
Since coming to college, she's grown a lot into her own. It has been really cool watching her grow from when she was so young until now. She has turned into a very funny girl and I know I can always call her for a laugh.
She is the craziest person I know and, even though she won't ever admit to it, she is growing up to be just like me.
I text my family on the regular and speak to them on the phone weekly. I really did love living with all of them and I miss it a lot. I miss the little things, like eating dinner together, going to watch Ryan's softball games, or even just sitting in the living room watching movies, trying to pick out which characters in the movie are like which person in our family.
Even though I think my immediate family shaped me into the person I am today, I know my extended family shaped a lot of who I am. My aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, and everyone else in my extended family are crazy and loud, and I am exactly like that still. Our family get together's are insane and are always so much fun. Even though I don't get to see them as much as I'd like, they still mean the world to me and I love being a part of the family.
Family is the most important thing to me, and I don't think that will ever change. No matter where life takes me, or where it takes them, I will always be there for them and they will always be there for me.