Dear Facebook Friend,
It has come to my attention that 2016 is an election year (and not just because you refuse to stop posting about it). It has come to my attention due to the fact that this election is different. It's more exciting because for the first time since I turned 18, I get to vote for who becomes the next president of this country. Therefore, I've been brushing up on my facts, figuring out all of my stances on political issues, watching debates, and ultimately choosing who will receive the vote on my ballot. And while I'm doing all of that, so are you!
The only difference is that we may come to different results and we may choose to support different candidates. So if that is the case (and you're not feeling the Bern), then this letter is for you.
Congratulations! One of the really great things about this country is that it's a democracy, which means that we the people are able to have a voice in who leads us. But what's even greater is that our country is full of diverse, opinionated, unique individuals who may not necessarily agree unanimously on one choice. So whether you're ready to "Make America Great Again" or you are all aboard the Clinton Express- I don't care! I respect your opinion regardless of whether I agree with it or not because you're taking the time out of your life to become politically involved and vote.
But let me tell you what I'm not okay with. I'm not okay with ignorant blanket statements. I'm not okay with bashing one candidate in the hopes of making your preferred candidate look better. I'm not okay with you posting links to news articles when it's evident you haven't even read what's in them (you just believed the headline would further support your agenda). I'm not okay with you stating incorrect facts or putting words in anyone's mouths. And I'm not okay with you refusing to acknowledge that my opinions have value and merit.
Because if we have any hope in making this country one we are all proud to call home, we need to start playing fair. We need to open our eyes to all walks of life and we need to approach situations that have this large of an impact with respect and care. So keep posting those Facebook videos, keep on ranting about political issues, and make your statements known on a social platform (because contrary to popular opinion, that is what they are there for) and I will keep on reading. But do so with intelligence and purpose and maybe I'll even throw you a "like."