To My Ex-Best Friend,
Hey! It’s been awhile. I hope you’re doing well. I really mean that. I hope that you are doing better than you have ever been doing. You might think I’m being sarcastic, but I’m serious. I wish you nothing but the best.
I miss you and I miss your family. Your family was my second family. Your home was my second home. I miss spending crazy amounts of time with you. I miss gossiping with you and your mom while drinking coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. I miss being able to call you at some random hour of the night and ask if you can come pick me up. I miss jumping in the pool with you. I miss taking really stupid selfies with you.
I know that we aren’t friends anymore because of something I did. I get that. I truly apologize for anything I did or said that didn’t sit well with you. I really am. I never meant to hurt you or anyone. I know I was wrong…and it kills me that it is my fault that our friendship is gone. I could say “I’m sorry” 1,000 times and it still wouldn’t be enough.
I get that the reason we “broke up” is because of me. So, I want to take this time to say some final things to you. You are beautiful. You are seriously one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever met. Don’t let anyone (or especially any guy) tell you otherwise. You are funny. You could have me cracking up for hours on hours on hours. I never got tired of your stupid jokes or your weird comments. You are amazing and you are going to accomplish big things. You are capable of so much more than you can see. I would listen to you and be amazed at your ideas. You are going to take those ideas and make something great, I know it. You are a great support system. When we were still friends, I remember just being able to always count on you to listen to me and give me advice. I appreciated that so much. I know that you are a great support system to your new friends too. Don’t let that slip away. You are so kind and caring. You wouldn’t hurt a fly. I respect that about you. You are so sweet and loving.
Now, I want to thank you. Thank you for being the best friend I have ever had. Thank you for being the brunette to my blonde. I also want to thank your family for practically adopting me. I know it must have been hard dealing with the two of us together--we could be a little much sometimes. Thank you and your family for loving me and always being there for me. I wouldn’t trade you guys for anyone or anything. Thank you for always making me laugh and being my pick-me-up. Thank you for your endless love and support.
And finally, if by some off chance that you’re reading this--I’m sorry. I love you. And if you don’t want to ever talk again, I get that. If you are willing to forgive me, I would be the happiest girl ever. Just know that you are beautiful and that I will always be a phone call or a text away if you ever need anything.
Love always,