Dear Non-Education Majors,
First and foremost, this letter is not intended to offend you at all on the major you’ve decided on, because to be honest, I could probably never do any of the jobs that you will do in your future. With that being said – I would like to inform you on a few things about being an education major. For one, yes, we’re sure we want to be teachers, so please stop asking. We don’t go around constantly asking you if you’re sure you want to be an accountant, doctor, or businessmen so do us a solid and stop asking us. Also, yes, we are fully aware that teachers don’t make a ton of money, so that too, is something that can stop being discussed every time we bring up our future plans with you. Lastly, and probably most importantly, our major is not a joke, and no, it is not easy. While we may not sit in lecture halls for hours on end, we learn how to control, teach, and support 20 to 30 children, something that seems dooming for most adults. So please, keep this in mind the next time you talk to one of us education majors….
An Education Major
P.S.- Hope to catch up with you over summer break! Oh wait, I forgot about that 9 to 5 lifestyle…