Dear Dishonest Friend,
When you lied to me the first time, I let it slide. I get it, maybe the plans we made were not as important to you as watching Netflix or hanging out with your boyfriend. One time, no big deal. But it was a big deal because I started to notice how you had these "liar quirks." How you would use the same excuses over and over again; the lies coming out of your mouth so fluently I wasn't surprised I had never noticed before. But now I saw them, and every time it happened after that I noticed. It wasn't a once or twice occurrence either, it consistently happened throughout your everyday life.
The next time you lied to me, it was to my face. The sliver of doubt that had formed in my head only expanded with this new dishonesty. I think that this time it hurt more because I had thought that we were friends. I thought that I was worth the truth. I thought that we could be honest with each other, I certainly had never majorly lied about anything to you before like you had me. But I was beginning to see the type of person that you truly were. I was beginning to see that you were someone who I could no longer trust, and that was a sad realization for me.
Friends are people that you should be able to trust, but you were not that to me. I began to notice how you would lie about things more and more, and eventually I came to doubt most of the things that you said. It was especially frustrating for me when I would catch you in a lie. Be it a "semester long group project" or "overloaded with work," I eventually found out about most of your excuses and how what you said was usually very far from what actually happened.
After awhile I became conditioned to question most of the things you would say. I now see past the your public facade to the person you really are. We used to be close, but now you're not someone I really would even want to be friends with. I don't want to be friends with people that are constantly making up lies and are never honest with me. In losing my trust, you also lost my respect.
I'm sorry I wasn't worth the truth from you. I'm sorry you didn't think I was good enough for that. I don't understand why you feel like you have to lie to the people you care about; I still see you do it to this day. I don't understand why they put up with it either. Maybe they are like me and they never really noticed it before, or maybe they are like you and you all tell each other lies to get through the day. I don't know, but I'm sorry that you choose to live your life like that.
The Friend Who Got Sick Of The Constant Lies