Hey, sweetheart. You are one of the strongest people I know, did you know that? You're trans and queer in a world that won't let you be either, and no matter how hard the world pushes against you, you still push back, you still fight. You're still yourself, a beautiful, smart, creative boy who I am more than proud to call my friend. I live for coming home and seeing you--god, I miss you so much when I'm away at school. I get so excited when I see that you tagged me in something on Tumblr, because it means that you're thinking of me. It's like you said yourself--I get so excited when I remember that you're actually my friend and you love me. It's amazing.
We have the kind of friendship where we can insult each other (but know that the other one is joking), but when it comes down to it you're one of the sweetest people in the world. The things you tag me in make me so happy; you know me so well and know exactly what I want to see/hear. You know me better than just about everyone else. I've told you a lot.
I forget that you're not even fourteen yet. I know what people on the internet say about people over eighteen (like me) being friends with people under eighteen (like you), but I don't see a problem with this. After all, I know you from real life--the library, of all places--and I also know at least some of your brothers. It wasn't like we just started talking online or something. But yeah, I forget how young you are, because you don't act like a thirteen-year-old. You could come visit me at college and fit right in. You should come visit me at college. I miss you.
The first time that I really met you was at NaNo group 2014--my senior year. I think that was the first time that you could come to things, which was why we hadn't met sooner. You were such a good writer; I remember being shocked at hearing how young you were. It didn't seem possible.
I don't remember how we became as close as we did--I feel like it just kind of happened. I remember sitting outside the community room downstairs in the library going through my Stucky board on Pinterest, but I'm not sure if that's how we became close or not. I feel like we've been friends forever.
We're into so many of the same things, but, at the same time, our interests are different enough that we can learn new things from one another. I like that in a friendship.
God, I don't have words for how happy you make me, how much you mean to me, or how much I miss you. I could never explain it. I'm not good at voicing emotions; never have been. Just know that you mean the world to me and that I love you very, very much, and that you deserve only the best in life. Only the things that match who you are--strong, sweet, and so, so important.