For my entire life, you’ve been my superhero. Not the kind who wears tights or flies through brick walls, but the one who scared away the monsters under the bed and healed hundreds of scraped knees. You’ve been someone I’ve looked up to, and written ‘role model’ essays on, and meant every single word in them. You’ve been my biggest fan in anything I’ve chosen to do, protected me and my heart, and helped me grow into who I am today.
I’ve never thanked you enough for some of the things you’ve done for me, both big and small. But I am so grateful. I’m grateful for the nights you checked on me sleeping and for the mornings you stuck around a little longer so I could wish you a good day at work. I’m especially grateful for you promising everything I made from my Easy Bake Oven was “delicious”, even if the cake was only halfway cooked. I’m grateful for everything you’ve sacrificed and given up for me, all so I could have a wonderful life. Thank you for putting your dreams on hold so I could chase mine.
As I get older, and begin to push myself out of my comfort zone and towards my goals, you’ve always believed in me. Growing up is scary. In fact, it’s terrifying. One thing that I can be sure of, while everything around me is seemingly changing, is that I’ll always be your little girl.
No matter where my life takes me, I know I have you in my corner. I know that you’ll have my back, and help me when I fall. You’ve always believed in me and had faith in me when I’ve failed in the past, and I know you’ll continue to believe in me and my dreams, even when they seem crazy.
Thank you for being a shining example of the man I hope to marry one day. You’ve shown me what I deserve and taught me not to accept anything less. Thank you for buying ice cream when I had a broken heart, and thank you for being honest with me when I’m clouded by emotions. But no matter who I spend the rest of my life with, and start my own family with, I’ll always be your little girl.
You’ve taught me so much, from how to tie my shoes, to how to swing on a swing set. You’ve taught me how it’s the little things that mean more, by keeping all the handmade cards and crafts I made over the years. You taught me how to be tough, how to stand up for myself, and to never get walked over. You’re one of the best teachers I’ve had (besides mom). No matter how old I get, you’ll always continue teaching me things, and I’ve learned to listen much better than I used to.
So thank you for helping me change my flat tire, thank you for pretending to understand my sorority, thank you for listening to me talk about moving away from home, and never letting me know that it hurts you to think of me leaving.
But dad, you’ll be the first one I call when something breaks, the first one I send a good grade to, the first one I call when I’m late to class because I don’t know how to live in the snow. You’ll always be my dad, and I’ll always be your little girl.