Here is a letter to someone who does not know I exist and therefore does not know what he is missing.
Dear daddy,
I first want to say that I was very reluctant to use the term "daddy" when addressing this letter to you.
How have the last 21 years of your life been?
What is your favorite food?
What kind of music do you like?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
These are just some random questions that come to my mind when I think about not ever meeting the man who helped create me, sexually speaking of course (Thanks Wendell).
I used to be extremely sad knowing that I never met you, but I always thought that maybe one day I would. I hated going to school on Father's day because all of the other students spoke very highly of their father and I had nothing to say. I never knew, from a man's perspective of how to properly treat and love a woman. But I figured that out myself. I never had the opportunity to see how a man is supposed to contribute to his family. I never got to see the impact a man and father does have in family situations. However, I did get to see a sad and depressed mother raise two kids on her own. I did get to see the impact your absence had on her and therefore had on me. Which, I cannot lie, has created a lot of anger and resentment towards your absence over the years, and I did get to be labeled as another child who was raised by a single mother.
Yes, there have been many struggles and hardships that I faced growing up without you, but there was also much good that came from it. I grew up faster and therefore was forced to learn things quicker. I was forced to learn how to take care of a house much younger and how to cook much younger and how to listen to a woman who wanted nothing but the best for me. I learned how to fix things around the house and how to be quick on my feet. I learned how to survive in a messed up world. I learned how to respect the opinion of a mother no matter if I agreed with it or not. Most importantly, I learned how strong woman are because how can one woman be forced to take care of so much all at once because of the decision of a man to leave and still have her children grow up to be successful, loving, respectful men.
Now yes, I am aware that your absence maybe wasn't all of your fault and that my mother probably had a lot to do with you wanting to leave, but none of that matters because she was there and you weren't.
Anyways, I want you to know that I hope your life has been amazing. I hope that you went on and did great things in your life. I hope that you went on and inspired people. I hope that you made this world a better place, and I hope that one day we meet. I would love to see the other half of the equation.