Dear future self,
Look at you. You made it.
I'm sure that promise ring of yours is now a big honker of a wedding ring, and you're being treated like the queen you are. You may or may not have some little ones running around, but please, God, do not give them weird names to make yourself seem like the cool, hipster mom. Also, please don't get a mini-van. Ever. The only way that is going to be acceptable is if your little ones are running around with cleats on, with a soccer ball in hand. That's it. If not kids, then I hope you have the cutest darn puppy in the world.
I hope you have accomplished or are close to accomplishing all of your goals. I hope you're doing well at work to support that lifestyle you've always dreamed of. Please tell me you have that dream house of yours, too. It doesn't have to be huge, but as long as you wake up with a smile on your face because you're proud of what you've worked so hard for and it shows, then that's perfectly fine. Did you get that office job you were always so curious about in college? Do you have to make rushed coffee runs for your other 15 co-workers, or are you the one calling the coffee run? Either way, I hope you enjoy it. But you better work your way up to the top, because you can't be making coffee runs all your life.
I wonder if you've visited Colorado or Utah again. You loved it when you were younger. If not Colorado or Utah, I hope you've traveled as much as your heart's desire. These things make your heart happy. Be sure to capture the moments, wherever you go. Your younger self wasn't too great at this, and it's a big regret of hers, so please be sure to document everything. You may never know when those stories will be brought up again.
Even if you haven't done any of those things, and you're still working to achieve your goals, I know the strength that you have in you. Heck, you have it tattooed on your ribs. Maybe you have accomplished those materialistic goals, but you haven't accomplished true happiness. That's okay. You'll get there. Just know that even when you feel alone or you feel your mind start slipping (you know what I'm talking about), that there is always joy to life and it's sitting right under your nose. You may not know it's there, but you will find it, eventually. Just keep a smile on your face and keep going. I would want that for you. Everyone would want that for you.
All those times you wanted to give up but decided to push through instead all paid off. You're happy now, or at least you better be. If not, get off your butt and go get some coffee and buy yourself some new shoes. If you are, let's keep it that way.
No matter what, I am so proud of you.
Your 18-year-old self