A Letter To The Cousin I Haven't Met Yet | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To The Cousin I Haven't Met Yet

Always stay young.

A Letter To The Cousin I Haven't Met Yet

You haven't been brought into the world yet, but you're about to experience this crazy universe for the first time in a few short days. You will be born into a world full of Donald Trumps and white privilege, but also a world full of opportunity and chances to succeed. You will eventually come to understand that life isn't all butterflies and roses. As you get older, you will have days when you want to run away, and days when you feel that you can take on the world. But always stay young. Hug your parents whenever you get the chance, play outside in mud puddles, and never stop going on adventures. Laugh at stupid things that no one else thinks is funny. Take as many pictures with your best friends as you can, and when you meet the boy who treats you like the princess you are, hold onto him. But what I really want you to know is how truly lucky you are. You will be loved beyond what you can ever imagine, and I hope you never take that for granted. You may not always realize it as you grow older, but someday you will be thankful for what you have been given. As your older cousin, the most important lesson I'll teach you is to give that love to someone else when they need it. Smile at strangers on the street and be someone else's reason to be happy. I look forward to meeting you, sweet girl.

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