Dear Self-Conscious Women,
Did you know that there are so many people who would kill to look like you? The way your hair falls and the curvature of your lips are all uniquely given to you. No one else in this world has the beauty that you hold. Many times women harshly criticize themselves and become their own worst enemy. Being self-conscious about your body is not only damaging to your self-esteem but it promotes insecurity unto other women.
Being self-conscious is a dangerous thing. You have to live with the body given to you until death. It will be a very painful life to wake up every morning and not like what you see. You are uniquely made. The way your body is shaped is a gift given to you. Would it be right if all of us as women looked the same? The hair on your head that you hate, someone else wishes they had. The way your legs stand out when you walk, someone wishes for. Your height someone longs for. What I am trying to say is, the women you wish you were does not exist. There is no person out there who thinks every part of her body is perfect. You have to love yourself and embrace what was given to you.
Some ways to break self-conscious thinking is to tell yourself you are beautiful every day. Why is that important? It is important because no matter how many times someone says you are beautiful you won't believe it until you see it for yourself. Try writing " I am enough" on your mirror. You will be forced to look at it every day as a reminder of the beautiful woman that you are!
Remember to always uplift your friends as well when they begin to speak negatively about themselves. This will not only help encourage them but help you remember to stop treating yourself that way as well. If possible take a break from all the junky magazines and media that tells women that they have to look a certain way. It's all lies! Women were not made to be a certain size or weight. We cannot be put into a mold because we are all uniquely and WONDERFULLY made regardless if we differ from one another.
So self-conscious women, please stop being self-conscious. Learn to love yourselves and push out all thoughts of inferiority. God made you the way that he intended you to be. He made no mistake in your creation. Beauty is not defined by standards but rather by uniqueness and diversity. Embrace the looks that you have because after all there is only one you.
A fellow woman