There’s a lot of pressure when it comes to college. You’re expected to be a full-time student preparing for a career while working to pay the bills and bulking up your resumé through volunteer and community work. On top of that, you have to balance a social life and maintain your physical and mental health while being an active, functioning member of society. It’s enough to make your spin. Yet it’s a reality that many college students face everyday and most days, you are killing it. With your favorite caffeinated beverage in one hand and your weekly agenda in the other, you’re taking on each day with a burning drive and it really feels like you’ve got everything together. That huge group project due next week? You’ve taken charge and it’ll be done before the weekend. That philanthropy event coming up this month? You’ve got your sponsorship forms lined up and you’re leading a team of your family and friends towards a cause that matters to you. That Monday night leadership team meeting? Done. Tuesday luncheon with the programming board? Nailed it. 8:00 a.m. committee meeting? You’re up bright and early and ready to go.
Except sometimes things don’t click into place. Sometimes you don’t have everything together. And that’s hard for someone who is trying to do it all. But it’s times when you that bump in the road that it’s important to remember a few things:
You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.
For a high-achiever like you, it’s hard to say no. When there’s an exciting new project to tackle at work or when a friend’s looking for volunteers for a weekend event, it’s hard to say no. But there are only so many hours in a day and there are other people that you can rely on to get the job done. Put trust in those around you and take a step back. Putting too much on your plate can end up hurting you or the people who you are trying to help. Use this as an opportunity to identify what matters most to you and to prioritize the things that are important in your life.
You are important, so take care of yourself.
You’re busy. Sometimes you are up before the sun rises to get a head start on the day and you might be up late into the night for a class assignment. Maybe some days you only get the chance to grab a granola bar or a snack instead of a full breakfast or lunch. With almost every minute of your day planned out, it is far too easy to forget about yourself. You are important though, so don’t forget to make yourself, your health and your wellness (both physically and mentally) a priority. You can’t do your best unless you feel your best.
It’s okay if you’re not at your best all of the time.
You should be looking out for yourself and it’s important to realize that you can not bring your normal 110 percent to every situation. There will be days when your best is only 75 percent or 60 or 45. You may feel invincible, but you’re only human. It’s okay to set high standards for yourself and for what you do but realize that there will be days when you simply can’t give it your all. So take a deep breath and take time to relax at home with a bowl of ice cream or a mug of tea and go to bed with a smile on your face. Chances are that you’ll wake up refreshed, recharged and ready to tackle the day ahead. Don’t let that one bad day get you down.
Be mindful and take a moment to let it all soak in.
Running from one committee meeting to the next, juggling schoolwork, and taking on that job or internship leaves you hustling through the majority of your week. Things pass by in a constant blur and it’s hard not to get caught up in the rush. While you are out and about making all these amazing things happen—whether it’s in the classroom, the workplace, on campus or in the community—stop and let it all soak in. Appreciate what you are doing and the impact that you are making in your surrounding community and in the lives of those people around. Let these experiences and opportunities shape and change you as much as you are working to shape your organization, your career or your community. And when you succeed and make it to the top, share that success by holding out your arms and helping others up beside you.
Yes, you're busy. But don’t forget to call your mother.
Honestly, where would you be without the people who got you there? Without the constant and unconditional support of your family and friends? Celebrate your accomplishments with the people who love you and take every opportunity to thank them for everything that they’ve done and continue to do for you. Don’t get so caught up in trying to do it all that you start to neglect the people or things that are close to your heart. Call your mother; she’s probably worried about you.
You can do it all, but you don’t have to. And you certainly don’t have to do it alone. Keep all of this in mind when you’re out there earning that stellar GPA, leading these campus groups, tirelessly working at your job, and changing the world. You’ve got this.
Good luck!