My sister has always been there for me. Obviously, she has been there physically since the day I was born, but sisters share this bond that no one will ever understand. Growing up in a divorced household divides a family, but never the eternal love of my sister. My sister is the person I look to with teary eyes, and look for answers within hers. Without her I wouldn’t know where I would be, although she did try to push me out of a doggy door when we were little so I’m not really sure what that was about!
I call her as much as I can, because who knows you better than the person you have known since you were literally born? We share DNA, but that has nothing to do with the fact that we are exactly alike, but also entirely different. We are the perfect mix of each other’s flaws and perfections. I don’t think I have ever loved a person more than I will ever love my sister.
Through thick and thin, my sister has been the person to adventure, buy insane amounts of pizza with, and just overall be myself. So all in all this is a thank you to her. Thank you for buying me coffee when I do not ask for it. Thank you for letting me steal your clothes, and only complaining about it for a few seconds. Thank you for letting me borrow the car, even when it isn’t my turn. Thank you for the random phone calls about what puff ball key chain you need to get for your keys. Thank you for picking me up when I’m at my lowest, and celebrating with me when I am my best. You inspire me every day, and I couldn’t think of a more perfect person to write about when I think about who made me who I am. Being away from you when we are at school is one of the hardest things I have ever had to experience, but it is all worth it when I get to see you again. Thank you for everything, love you always.