To my big,
As your graduation approaches, there are a few things I wanted to say before you walk across that stage and get your degree.
First and foremost, I wish nothing but the best for you. You brought me years of good memories, and I want life to bring you even better ones. Wherever life takes you, I want it to bring you happiness and the sense of belonging that you gave me. I hope you look back on your time here and our time together with fondness, teary eyes and a smile on your face, but I never want you to regret moving on. You’re a wonderful and strong person who deserves all that life has to offer, so I hope you move forward and take in all that you can. Always remember to keep in touch with me so I can hear about all of the adventures I know you’ll go on. Never forget that I’m infinitely proud of you for all that you’ve done and all that I know you will do.
I never want you to forget that I still kind of hate you deep down for making me think you weren’t by big before reveal. I think it’s a good kind of hate, though.
I want to thank you. I joined our sorority excited, but very nervous, and finding you was and is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. You accepted me for the nervous girl I was. You never made me feel left out and held my hand and hugged me when I needed it most. You acted as my biggest fan and strongest supporter.
By being a role model, you gave me a new set of expectations for myself that have helped me grow as a person and I can’t thank you enough for that. You’re someone I love to hang out with and eat cookies while watching The Grinch, and someone I love to look up to. You’re one of the most independent, caring, and smart people I’ve ever met and you help me strive to be the best me I can be. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am. You’re a piece of me that I’ll carry with me throughout every chapter of life.
Thank you for loving me from the start and wanting me to be your little just as much as I wanted you to be my big. I have never felt so accepted so quickly. Going into a sorority of 150+ girls and not knowing if you’ll fit in is terrifying, and you showed me that if I let people see who I am, I’ll find so many wonderful people who like me just as much as I like them. You gave me the courage to spread my wings.
I will miss you more than I could ever express. I’ve spent countless days by your side, and I can’t imagine how it will be when you’re not here. I’ll be sad when you’re not here, but I know you’ll never be gone. I’ll still send you pictures of my outfits before every function and FaceTime you when either of us needs to talk. You’ll still there with me on my wedding day to make sure I don’t cry and ruin my makeup, and I for yours. I’ll keep every memory you gave me with me for the rest of my life.
Even though life keeps moving forward, you will always be my big. Always.
Your (now crying) little