To my high school best friends,
As another summer comes to a close, I cannot help but wonder where the time went, and how it could possibly be over already. In a few short weeks, we will no longer be a 10-minute drive or a quick text away. Hanging out will be few and far between as we try to make time for each other as much as we can on breaks. As time becomes less and less, there are a few things I want you guys to remember:
No new friendships will ever compare to the bond that we have.
Not only did we survive the awkward middle school and high school stages together, but we have seen each other through it all. Including the ugly break ups, the late nights that turned into early mornings doing who knows what and the, "I've worn this outfit two days in a row, but it's just you guys so I don't care" look.
Just because we don't talk all of the time, doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you guys.
It's easy to get caught up in the everyday hectic schedule of life, and sometimes we simply don't have the time to send a text, or set time for a FaceTime or phone call. But, you can guarantee that there are things that remind me of you all of the time, and you are most definitely not forgotten.
You're still the first person I want to tell all my good news and bad news, too.
See a cute boy on campus? Got an A on a really hard exam? Woke up late and missed my first class of the day? You can guarantee that I'll tell you all about it the next time we get the chance to catch up.
I'm already excited for the times where we all get to re-unite.
There is no better feeling than when we have all spent months apart from each other and finally are all back in the same place. We always pick up where we left off with endless stories and laughs. These are times I always cherish with you and look forward to. I cannot wait for pizza, wine and Netflix nights.
My door is always open.
Even though we're separated by many miles and quite a bit of time, you are still always welcome to come see me. When life gets a little overwhelming, and you need somewhere to go, you can always find a place to crash with me.
They say many of us lose contact with our high school friends, but I am more than thankful that this has been the opposite for us. Distance has only made us grow closer, and I know as we head back to college life will be different, but I can always find comfort in knowing you guys are only a phone call away. I'm thankful for another great summer with you all, and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for all of us as we continue on this crazy life. Xoxo.