It’s that time of the year where guys are getting down on one knee and asking that four-word question to the loves of their lives. Yep, wedding season is just around the corner. Your closest friends finally said yes to the men of their dreams. You’re incredibly excited for them and cannot wait to watch them say “I do.”
Dear my beautiful, soon to be married, best friend,
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OMG, it finally happened. You're engaged! Whoa…how weird is that to say? I can’t believe my favorite person is getting married! We have been talking about this day since we met. I remember looking through colors that were possibilities for your special day, saving rings to your Pinterest board, and always guessing when he would finally propose. The day you came back after he proposed, I remember so perfectly. I remember the look on your face, the emotion that spilled out of you when you told me! We still squeal every time we see that beautiful ring catch the light. Don’t even get me started on your wedding dress. Not only is the dress amazing, but so is the beautiful soul wearing it. I have no doubt that everyone will be blinded by not just the beauty of the dress, but by your sweet spirit that surrounds you and comes from within. I couldn’t be happier for you.
As you prepare for your big day, remember to take it all in slowly. Take in every kind word, congratulations, the flowers, the emotions, the love from people near and far, the dress and all the craziness that comes with it, for sometimes we can get caught up in a world wind of schedules and appointments; instead, appreciate and enjoy all these special moments. I know it will be such a happy day! As you go on with all the wedding planning, please remember to have fun with it and most importantly remember this day is about you and your wonderful soon-to-be husband!
I’m so glad you found the one who makes your heart and soul happy. I seriously couldn’t have handpicked anyone better for you than him. I see the way you light up when you are around him, the way you smile when his name is mentioned, and how excited you are when you talk about your future together. I am so excited to watch you marry the love of your life, the man God molded just for you. I have no doubt that the next journey that life has for you two, together, will be nothing less than an amazing adventure. The day you say “I do” you are not two people; you become one. One journey, one purpose, one marriage. You both are an example of an amazing couple grounded in God’s love and word. Together you will conquer mountains and get through valleys. Also, remember every step you all take you are following the steps God has ordered for you!
So here is to the exciting next few months as we get ready for your fairy tale that you will tell your kids about. I’m so proud of you and all you have achieved so far. I cannot wait to watch you two embark on your greatest adventure yet.
All my love,
Your best friend!