Dear best friend,
I remember the first day I found out you were pregnant. I’ll be honest, I was scared. I was scared for myself because I didn’t know what to say, think, or do. Nobody so close to me had ever gotten pregnant at our age before, so I had no clue how to be there for you. I was also scared for our friendship. I already wasn’t being the greatest friend to you. I was young, dumb, and automatically assumed everything going on at the time meant our friendship was over (of course I was wrong, and I'm still sorry for how I acted). Above all, I was mostly scared for you. I can’t imagine how you felt the day you learned the news. It was unexpected, and I’m sure you were terrified to be given the task of raising a kid when you were still a kid at heart yourself. You were basically put into a situation where you had to grow up much quicker than everyone else, and I know that must have been an incredibly difficult adjustment. However, you accepted the responsibility with grace, maturity, and a level head, and I want you to know how proud I am to have a friend like you.
You have come such a long way since the birth of your child. From the carefree teenager you were in high school to the mature mother you are now, you have surely grown as a person. Raising a baby is not an easy task, to say the least, but it seems to come so naturally to you. You have grown to be so selfless and caring. I admire your courage and your ability to put others, especially your daughter, before yourself because that is something not many people our age can do. You are also hardworking, determined, and passionate about creating the best life you can for your daughter, and I admire your strength. I know there is such a stigma attached to becoming a mom at a young age, with shows out there like “Teen Mom” that show many of the lows of the daily life of young moms. However, you don’t let anyone’s opinions bother you or stand in your way. If you want to know my opinion, I think you’re a better mom at our young age than many other moms are in their 30’s. I can only hope that someday I'll be half the mom you are today.
Above all, I want to thank you. Thank you for forgiving me when I wasn't the greatest friend to you during your pregnancy. I said/did some pretty unbest-friend-like things and I definitely didn't deserve to have you accept my apology, but you did. I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough for keeping me around and being such an amazing support system, shoulder to cry on, wing woman, partner in crime, and sister to me, even with a toddler that keeps your hands full. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better person by setting an example with your own daughter. I have learned more valuable life lessons, like how to be patient and to never take anything for granted, from you in the short course of her lifetime than I have in all my college classes combined. Thank you for bringing such an incredibly sweet, spunky, and happy little girl into the world to call me auntie and for me to spoil. She is such a ray of sunshine in a rough world, and always puts a smile on my face on the worst of days. I can't wait for my future kid to be your kid's best friend someday, just like us. Most importantly, thank you for being such an amazing role model and setting an example for young mothers, future mothers, and me (someday ;) ). One day, I hope I can be an amazing mom and person like you.
Your best friend/the coolest auntie ever