College is a lot of things, but one of the best things of all is the amount of friends you make. It's amazing how strong of a friendship you can build with someone in just a few short years. Yet, it's because of that that it becomes all the more harder when one of those friends leaves. This is the current position I find myself in. One of my closest friends is leaving in less than two weeks to study abroad in Spain. All of which is creating a huge mix of emotions.
So to one of my closest friends,
For starters, I can't tell you how proud I am of everything you have done. You are one of the most accomplished people I've met during my time at Oglethorpe. You are involved in so many things and handle it all with such grace. I know a semester a way from home may be an adjustment, but I also know you will handle it with ease.
Secondly, it's definitely going to be a weird semester without you. The past three years you've always had my back, whether you agreed with my decisions or not. That's something I can't thank you enough for. But even thinking about the fact that you won't be there to discuss drama, be the best concert buddy, or just make random trips to Target, is something I still haven't wrapped my head around. Regardless of the adjustment I'm going to have to make, I'm so excited for you to be abroad and explore all of Spain.
Lastly, no matter how sad myself and everyone else will be to have you gone for the semester, I think I can say that we are all so happy for you. I know this is a part of your major, but more importantly, I know it's something you have always wanted to do. I can't wait for the texts and calls to hear all about it. I know it will be just as amazing, if not better, as you believe it will be.
I can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully visit!