In 2004, the movie "Mean Girls" presented stereotypes to young girls, took them on a journey through different sexualities, and embodied the importance of one's reputation. Regardless of all of the things the movie may have taught us, it also made us all say a prayer that someday our moms could be half as cool as Regina Georges’ mom. Luckily for me, my mom is not only a “cool mom” but she is also my best friend.
A thank you letter to my best friend, my mom.
Dear Mom,
I am writing you this thank you letter because one, I don’t think I’ve ever actually written you a letter and two, you should always know how grateful I am for everything you do for me…even if I don’t always agree with your decisions.
Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on when I needed it, but for also giving me tough love that I’ve never gotten from my friends. From breaking up with boys and being broken up with, you were always someone I could turn to, someone who always listens to me vent and for never failing to make it a point that “if he messes with my baby he’s messing with me.”
Thank you for always protecting me. When I was younger, you wouldn’t let me roam the streets all hours of the night, go out whenever I wanted, or hang out with people who you thought would have a bad influence on me. As much as I hated it then and thought you were treating me like a child, I know now that you were just trying to keep me safe.
Thank you for always believing in me. Growing up with a mom like you and having big shoes to fill in the sports world, you always were one to push me to try everything and did anything it took for me to succeed. From personal training to practicing before and after school, you always noticed my potential and brought out the best in me on and off the field.
Thank you for being you. Growing up without a father figure, you had to take on both roles. Fortunately for you, you weren’t only praised on Mother’s Day but you also got an extra day throughout the years, Father’s Day. I know it must have been hard doing it all on your own for so long, but you should know that from this you taught me how to be strong when I am feeling weak. You showed me to be independent and to never rely on a guy, and most importantly, how to overcome obstacles that life throws at us.
Thank you for all of the little things you do from taking care of me when I am sick, cleaning my room after you get tired of telling me to do it, making home-cooked meals for me when I am not away at school to doing my laundry for me. These things never go unnoticed.
I am so lucky to have known someone like you for my whole life. When I grow up, I aspire to be half of the woman you are. Thank you, Mommy.
Love Always,
Your Peanut