You know, they say that college can be some of the best years of your life. And I can firmly agree with that statement. Yeah, sure, you party for four years and make the most questionable decisions with the wildest people. But throughout this whole adventure, there is that one person who just willingly remains by your side. Your partner in crime. The Rizzoli to your Isles. The Tina to your Amy (or vice versa). Yes, I'm talking about your best friend. Your absolute best friend that you met in college. I didn't get to meet mine until second semester of freshman year. But believe me when I say the wait was worth it. I know you're reading this right now, so here we go:
To my best friend:
I am so glad that I stumbled into you while we were wandering around Calio's that cool spring night. From that moment on you have brought nothing but pure laughter and joy into my life. My first semester of college, I was lost. Making friends came easily to me. But I just couldn't find someone that I absolutely clicked with. When I met you, I didn't really know what to expect. And almost three years later, I am more than pleasantly surprised. Who else would I want to drag me out when I'm being a grandma and don't want to party? No one, really. Our best nights out are the ones where you threaten me with my life to go downtown (I'm slightly kidding here guys, don't worry). I'm pretty sure that every time you guilt me into going to the gym, I hate it a little less...partially because we go get Taco Bell afterwards. Or Wendy's. We aren't that picky. Watching you scream in a guy's face because you thought I deserved better was probably one of the nicest things you have ever done for me. Letting me sob into your shirt as I spilled my feelings about yet another jackass who broke my heart might not have seemed like a lot. But to me, it was the world. I know that we always joke about being nice to each other and that we love inflicting playful harm among one another. Yet at the end of the day, I know you got me like I got you. So I guess this is me saying one gigantic thank you. For all of the great things that you have done with me, and for me. Thank you for dealing with my emotional outbursts and my life crises. For singing with me at the top of my lungs, no matter what time it is (our housemates hate us for this but it's fine). For making sure that I always eat a good dinner before we go out and wreck havoc. For pushing me to be the best person that I can be in the gym, and in the real world as well. For making me laugh so hard that I have peed my pants, on several occasions (I peed in your car once...I'm sooooo sorry). For not caring about what anyone else thinks. For letting me chase our shots with the last sip of your Mountain Dew, because we both know I'm a baby. For letting me dance like a fool and yanking me back when a creepy guy comes by. Thank you for reminding me that even on my worst days, when I feel like the entire world is against me, that I will always have you. There is no one else that I would want to struggle through undergrad with, and I am so ready to see what the rest of our lives will bring us. To quote my favorite clip from Vine: "I love you, bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you...bitch."
With love,
Your best friend.