We live so far apart now; Friday night wine time isn't as simple anymore. Gossip in the car on the way to the mall has been replaced with text messages like "I'll text you later, I'm busy", and "Sorry, I was busy". Not to mention the all too frequent: "Guess what happened -__-" text message. Between you working on your next degree and your career, and me (slowly but surely) trying to get my first degree, it may feel sometimes that our friendship has gotten replaced by all of our tasks and duties that we have now.
We live so far apart now, but that doesn't stop us. Though our time together is less frequent, I have noticed that our time together isn't just time together anymore. It is quality time spent with you, my best friend. Target trips when I'm home are so much more than they were before. We talk about so much other than just daily gossip, and you know what? Though I miss our car rides filled with daily gossip, it is SO incredibly nice to come home and have a break from it all. I know, I know, I am a little dramatic sometimes (read: every time) when I come home, and I know that I occasionally (read: once a week) text you about the gossip and drama here, but I am so happy to come home and see you and talk with you about things that I've been waiting to tell you.
We live so far apart now, but you still get me. We still have our quirky conversations, we still have our little jokes, and we still find time to make fun of each other in the kitchen, in between wrapping presents (even though you wrapped mine because I am a terrible gift wrapper). You know how to field my insecurities, and you know exactly when to tell me to get off my high horse. Two and a half hours has not affected your ability to read me like an open book, and I am so glad that someone like you is in my life.
We live so far apart now, but that doesn't mean you don't understand me. When I am struggling with finals, you know how to get me out of bed, and you know how to make me feel good about them, even when I end up stressed to tears. When I am trying a new recipe, or simply watching a new show, you put your attention and interest into it, something that means more to me than just words at face value. You are there for me in the simplest and most complex times of my life, and I can only hope that you know I want to be there or you, too.
We live so far apart now, but that means nothing to our friendship - we are still the same two people trying to make it in life, and I wouldn't want to fight my way through with anyone else by my side. Thanks for being that person for me.