So you’ve finally decided today is the day. Today is the day you are gonna crack open some eggs for breakfast, drink nothing but water, fill up on low cal snacks and salads for dinner and get that butt of yours to the gym and do some serious squats and weight lifiting. You are tired of laying oustretched on your couch in oversized sweatpants, munching on some potato chips with your newest Netflix binge on. You are ready. You are ready for a new you. You are ready to fit into those new pair of jeans and strut your stuff. This is the easy part. Once you have finally gotten your mind set on change, next comes the real work.
Next you need to decide what you want to work on. Do you wanna do cardio and be able to run long distances with no breaks. Do you want to be able to lift heavy weights and build some serious muscle mass. Do you want to trim down and fit into that dress of your dreams. Or do you want to simply tone everything out and feel good about yourself. This is actually really important to determine your goal before you begin. This goal will determine your workout schedule, what you do, how much and how often, and even your diet. Once you figure this out, you seriously need to do your research. Understanding how to get your desired result inside and out will make your fitness journey so much easier. When I finally decided I wanted to lose weight and tone all my muscle, I took so much time to find all the workouts, the diet I needed and enlisted the help of my already in shape friends to get started and get started strong.
What I’m about to tell you next isn’t gonna be your favorite thing to hear. It’s gonna be hard. You’re gonna have some great motivation when you start out. The first week or two you may be able to go and go and wonder why people complain about the gym. Then as time goes on and you don’t see your desired results immediately, you’re gonna wanna stop. You will make excuses each day as to why you can’t make it or why you can’t work as hard. You’re tired, too much work, you don’t need to go that day and so on. But you have to keep going. Find your motivation. For me, it was going to the gym with my two close guy friends who showed me every workout and motivated me to keep going. It was tough that first month to keep going. But then I started to see results.
I was getting compliments, my clothes were fitting nicer and most of all, my confidence grew. Yes, some days I am too busy for the gym and need to put it to the side. Some days things come up and I have to put the gym on the back burner. But I make sure that I still work my butt off every week. I want my results to get better, I want to get slimmer and tone everything out. I’m not doing this to impress some guy, to prove the jerks from high school wrong or even to fit into some clothes. I am doing this for me. So that everyday when I look at myself in the mirror I always have a smile come across my face. That’s what you need to do this for. This journey has to be for you. When you finally have this in your head, you will go far. Now get a good amount of sleep, drink some ice cold water, have a healthy breakfast and get your butt to the gym. This is only the beginning and I can promise you it is going to be an amazing journey.