I remember times when my sister was small. I've also been told stories about us when we were younger. I also remember the years we have spent together. Mostly I remember the annoying and aggravating things she has done. But, I can see her growing up and I know that soon she won't be my "little sister" anymore. As annoyed as I get with her, I realize that we need to take time and enjoy these moments we have together. So, little sister, this one's for you.
I want to thank you for every single thing you have ever done in my entire life. Because of you, I am semi-patient, a problem solver, good with kids, and also used to being bothered. Every attribute I have I can somehow relate back to you. So, thank you for helping me become the person I am today.
Thank you for teaching me how to fix my mistakes, and also how to keep on screaming even when I've lost my voice. Thank you for showing me how to be more gentle with others, and also how to pick the lock to your bedroom door. Thank you for being there with me through everything we have gone through in our young lives, and also the best places to hide the remote. Thank you for sticking up for me, and stealing my personal belonging. Thank you for everything you have done for me, both good and bad.
I can see myself in you the older you grow. I am so glad you are following in my footsteps in some ways, and creating your own path in others. Learn from my mistakes and always know that I am here for you whenever you need me. Know that I am so proud of the things you are accomplishing, and that I can already tell you will be an amazing woman. I love you baby sister!
P.S. Happy 14th birthday to my little sister! I love you!