Dear Baby Brother,
Being sensitive is not weak, it’s human.
I know that it can be hard to show your sensitive side sometimes, but don’t forget to embrace that part of who you are. Other guys may not think it’s cool, but let me tell you, that girl you have your eye on will appreciate a guy who will show his emotions more than a guy who doesn’t show any at all. Which reminds me, girls are weird and confusing. A lot of the time we aren’t even sure of what we want. So, be patient (and if you really can’t figure it out, just ask her what she needs). Don’t try and make a girl like you. If she doesn’t see the great, young gentleman you are then she doesn’t deserve your time anyway. Lastly, please always treat women with respect. Think about it this way. That girl is someone's daughter or sister. Treat her as such.
Don’t throw away your childhood.
High school is a weird time where everything seems like it sucks, but I promise it’s some of the best years you have. The memories you make in high school are ones that you’ll cherish forever. Go to the prom. Ask that girl out. Don’t be afraid to come home past curfew (you might get grounded, but it’ll be worth it). Do things that you think you’re not allowed to do. I’m not saying to go out and be reckless, but I am saying to not be afraid to live. Don’t go four years without pushing a few limits. I promise that the memories you make when you do are going be the ones you’ll talk about for years to come. I'm also not telling you that high school is the best time of your life. Some people peak in high school, don't be one of those people. Go out and do something revolutionary. Make a difference, save a life, do something that mom would be proud of.
Please, PLEASE be patient with mom.
She’s watching her baby boy grow up and that’s really hard for her. You’re the last of her babies and she’s going to want you to stay that way forever. I know it feels like she’s nagging at you all the time, but she does it because she wants you to grow up to be a good man. Which I know you will be.
I love you.
I’m away from home now, about to go become a “real” adult, and sometimes I get so caught up in my own life that I forget to tell you that. Never be afraid to call me. Even if you just want someone to talk to, I’m here (and honestly, you’re one of my favorite people to talk to). I may only be a few years older than you, but I’ve probably gone through the same problems you’re facing now. I can help you. I’m you’re number one fan, little dude, never forget that. Lastly, I want you to know that I am very proud of the man you’re becoming. It may seem confusing and testing at times, but I see so much greatness in you. You were born to do amazing things. Remember, where there is greatness, even more follows.
Love always,
Your Big Sister